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Thurso 01847 892387   Wick 01955 602088   


If your pet is displaying behavioural problems, we offer a service with our animal behaviourist Caz. A qualified and experienced vet nurse, she has also worked as a police dog trainer.

She holds a certificate in companion animal behaviour and has recently completed an advanced diploma in canine behaviour management to keep up to date on the latest principles in this field, as many older or traditional methods are now out of favour and may even be detrimental.

You can arrange a consultation directly with Caz or you may be advised to see her after a discussion with a vet. Behavioural problems take time to consider; a consultation takes an hour or more and can be undertaken at the clinic or at home.

Similarly, with regard to canine and feline behaviour therapy there is often no quick fix, but Caz will be there to support you as you put her advice in to practice over subsequent weeks and months.

Inadequate or inappropriate socialisation of puppies can lead to ongoing behavioural issues. Caz is keen on prevention in preference to cure and has puppy resources she will happily provide free to those who ask, as well as providing guidance on appropriate modern methods of dog training.

Donald S McGregor & Partners Ltd is a company registered in Scotland SC495194 | Registered Address: Veterinary Surgery, Janet Street, Thurso, KW14 7EG

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